Preventing Cancer Through DNA Replacement?
On the Cancer Complexity forum, I pose a question: if we could somehow replace all the damaged DNA in each of the cells of your body with an undamaged copy on a continuous basis, would that prevent you from getting cancer?
What do you think?…
Crohn's Disease
Debbie Maier asks us on the Upcoming Topics page to address Crohn’s Disease.
I don’t know too much about it except that it’s an autoimmune disease and has a complex, multi-causal etiology and pathology. In my reading on autoimmune diseases in general there seems to be a direct link between latitude an incidence. Specifically, the farther from the equator you live the more likely you are to get Crohn’s, Type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and so on.…
Health and Fitness Q&A with Kevin
Whenever I have a question about health matters that is too complex for an MD or academic researcher to get right, I ask Kevin. Nobody I know has a better combination of broad-based current knowledge of the primary literature, plus a whole-system view and understanding of compex dynamics, plus the practical will and experience in living by (and updating) his conclusions.
Here are some questions I had for Kevin recently and his answers.
Rafe: Do the BPA results (such as they are) cause you concern? Do you still use your Nalgene bottle? Would you let your infant or child drink from a plastic bottle or sippy-cup?…
Third-Hand Smoke
Thanks to Daniel Horowitz for alerting me to third-hand smoke. I guess then if you pass on epigentic mutations to your children from third-hand smoke exposure it’s called fourth-hand smoke?…
Eben Pagan’s Birthday Webinar
This year for his birthday, Eben decided to host this webinar and invited all his contacts to join him online in lieu of a party and gifts. What a brilliant concept and even more brilliant execution. Eben (and Scott Brandon Hoffman, founder of truly epitomize the new philanthropy. Watch the video here.…
Great Nutrition Tips
I’ve plugged Dr. Ann before on this blog, but this 13 minute video is definitely worth checking out, esp. during the holidays. Ignore the marketing and just listen to the information and tips. The science of nutrition is extremely complex, but there are some well-understood principles that Dr. Ann focuses on. If you are like me, you have to understand the processes before you will believe something and take action. I think her book is the best out there as it’s a combination of scientific consensus, practical tips, and easy-to-understand explanations of why the recommendations work.…
Hina Chaudhry
Like does this mean you can cure heart disease?
She’s hesitant. Nobody wants to say they can defeat the industrialized world’s number one killer. Nobody wants to make promises about life, or quantify salvation. But she fervently believes she’s got a shot.
This is what the 2008 Genius edition of Esquire Magazine had to say about Hina Chaudhry. Her approach is to switch back on the mechanism that causes cells to divide in the heart, which doesn’t normally happen after birth in any mammal. This is not a stem-cell approach, despite what it might sound like.
Looking on the web there appears to be very little written about this work, so I’m wondering how Esquire found her or chose her work to highlight. I’d like to learn more if anyone has information they’d like to share.…
Metabolism Boosters
Pop Quiz: what are the four ways that vegetables and fruits act as a superstar health shield? Find out here.
Click here for more Dr. Ann videos.…